Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebrating the Season + Prepping for the New Year!

Happy Holidays!

Are you all bundled up sipping hot cocoa? Ice skating? Taking pics with Santa? Whatever you are doing this holiday season, I hope that you are relishing in the reason for the season and enjoying friends & family, as well as taking time to reflect on 2011 and strategically planning for 2012. What does that mean? It means that you should get your CAREER JOURNAL asap and begin to list all of your accomplishments for 2011 and goals for 2012. Always good to start the year off with a goal in mind, so that you can mentally prepare yourself for what you need to tackle in increments of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a full year. If you scaffold your goals into fragments, it will seem less stressful and more attainable. Be sure to write down your goals because a tangible list now holds you more accountable (plus, you won't forget). You are totally capable of making great strides this year, but it is up to you on how you proceed. Are you going to TALK about moving forward or are you going to ACT? That is the real question!

A new year is an opportunity to reinvent yourself and your vision. Take these last few weeks to really hone in on your vision.

Ask yourself these questions:

What are you most passionate about?
What excites you about your future?
If you could name your top 2 career passions, what would they be?
What is your most challenging obstacle right now?

'Tis the season to be jolly and merry and don't forget to be thankful for another day to chase your destiny!

Here's cheers to a FABulous holiday season!

Stay FAB!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

FOX News NYWIC Event Recap featuring FAB's J. Styles

The Founder of The FAB Network, J. Styles was recently featured as a panelist at New York Women in Communication's (NYWIC) Student Career Conference sharing career advice and the ins and outs of being an entrepreneur. FOX News featured on a recap on their website highlighting NYWIC's conference and quoted Professional Coach, J. Styles.

Check out the FOX News NYWIC Recap:

Friday, December 2, 2011

Top 5 Things to Do When You Don't Know What to Do!

Ever pondered these questions?!

Want to switch jobs, but not sure how?

Want to find your passion & feeling overwhelmed?

Need a plan & don't know where to start?

FAB has some great advice on what to do when you're feeling STUCK!

1. Don't move (literally and figuratively). Be still with your actions and thoughts and let all of your feelings and ideas marinate before making any drastic decisions. You want to make sure that your final decision is one that is built on sound judgment having considered all possibilities rather than emotion. It's okay to carve out time to simply think and consider all angles. In fact, FAB encourages you to pause asap!

2. Write down everything: thoughts, goals, feelings, fears and potential plan of action. Once you have allowed your thoughts to marinate, grab a pen and write down EVERYTHING. Documentation allows you to visually see all factors to be considered when creating a strategy in an organized way. Also, developing a list helps to hold you accountable.

3. Talk to the RIGHT people. Talking and getting advice is an important aspect when making a change, however it is critical that you are surrounded by people that you trust and understand and share your vision. Your close network should challenge you to succeed beyond mediocrity and push you on all levels of your development.

4. Create a tangible strategy. Once you have decided what you want to do do/accomplish, it is important that you create a blue print and timeline. List your goals with an action item to do list and time table so that you are focused on achievement and time management. Then get set, GO!

5. Identify effective stress relievers. Implementing change in our lives can be a very stressful task, therefore it is highly recommended to identify strategies that help you to relieve stress, such as writing, exercising or reading. It's okay to acknowledge that you are stressed; however what is more important is how you handle the stress. Do you cope or cave?!

Quick Formula to Effective Change:

Stop. Write. Talk. Strategize. Release.