It's not JUST about finding a's about being fulfilled and securing a future! A happy, secure, and fulfilled future (and present). I encourage you to think about your future for a minute. Pause and Think right now.........................................................................................................................
........................................................................ What do you want, where do you want to be, what makes you happy, what are you most passionate about, how can you earn a living doing what you are interested in? Forget about what other people may say, what society's expectations are of you are, escape your fears and inhibitions. THIS IS ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW. What is this really about?! Really digging deep and laying a path that grants you all that you want and more. No one said it would be easy, but thinking about your future now, will pay off in the long run. Do it for your future family, kids, for your future sanity. Ever need a contact or wanted to call someone to help you get a job or needed career advice and had no one to call??? I'm sure we've all felt like that at one time or another, well it's time to change that. We have to be the difference we seek - we have to be that person that others can call on for advice, for a word of encouragement, or a job. We have to set ourselves up for success, someone will need us one day! Whether it's working in management, working as an artist, working in retail, working in the corporate world, working in finance, working in beauty, or fashion, or marketing, or for the government, or starting your own business, or something that no one has ever heard of ---> think about if you are happy and if you are living up to your full potential. If your answer is yes, you have won half the battle. If your answer is no and you feel stuck, it's never too late. Start here, start right now. Seek out the best in yourself and go after your dreams. You'll appreciate it later. If I have learned nothing else from my working experience, it's that you have to be happy in order to be your best. It's more than just a job. You have to feel needed, appreciated, valued, and feel a sense of security from those around you. I am not advocating that every job will be a piece of cake and that everyday will be blissful. What I'm saying is that life is too short to hate 80% or more of your day.
So, if this is you - figure out a plan B. Most of the time, circumstances can't change in one day, but if you start strategizing how you can ultimately be your happiest, then plan B will come one day. When we are in an uncomfortable position, it forces us to be creative and find a way, where there is seemingly no way. I am not suggesting that we need to be stressed out and try to create ways for us to be rich, famous, the president of a company, or anything weird or far fetched (not that any of these things are)- I am merely advocating for us to be the driver in our world of happiness and security, for us to make passionate decisions where we feel that we are making a difference, we matter.
No one can make that decision for us. We all have something that we are good at, why not turn that into a career. It can be done. Just take another moment to as of today, let's plan for our future. Let's do it for our future families, for our future selves, for all those who sacrificed so that we could be all that we can be, for us! We deserve it!
If you get nothing else from being a FAB reader or becoming a FAB member, please take this away from are the determining factor in your success and joy - no one else. Take the time to figure out how professional success and personal happiness can be your life! FAB will!
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