The holidays are officially here! The friends & family cheer, cold weather, décor, seasonal parties and hot cocoa (with whip cream, of course) have certainly gotten me into the holiday spirit. For me, this year was about building a strong foundation for my dreams, learning more about what’s important in life and figuring out the best way to navigate the obstacles with grace. In a nutshell, it was about growth, both professionally and personally. In 2009, I officially introduced The FAB Network to the world and in August of this year, I celebrated its one year anniversary at the “FAB Dipped in Gold” extravaganza. The event featured the website re-launch and new Gold membership level & re-capped an awesome year of success stories. It is still a very surreal feeling to witness my dream blossoming right in front of my eyes. Whether you’ve read the blog, came to an event, attended a private career counseling, sent a word of encouragement or simply shown me a smile – I appreciate you! Your continued support is the foundation for the movement I desire to create. A movement that brainwashes our mind into believing that we are capable and confident enough to reach for and accomplish our most desired wish. Helping others to realize their talents and providing them with a strategy on how they can lead a passionate and fruitful life is my #1 priority. I always say I’m changing the world one resume at a time (literally). In the past year, FAB has made great progress. The membership level has doubled, I have worked with over 15 colleges and confirmed professionals continue to share their knowledge at FAB events. And even with our successes, we are often tough critics on ourselves (especially those of us with lofty goals). We sometimes forget to stop and relish in our accomplishments and be thankful for our progress. As the end of year approaches, I encourage you to do just that - stop and be grateful for this year and all the memories that came along with it (the good and the bad). My holiday wish for you is that you continue to follow your heart and work hard toward making your most passionate thoughts a reality.
Much Love Always!
~ J. Styles
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