What happens when you try EXTREMELY hard and see minimal results? Story sound familiar?! Well, if so, here are 20 tips to help you go from stagnant to magnificent. Listen closely and DO NOT drown out the FAB advice with your pride or inability to take constructive criticism. Open your mind and be ready to receive!
20 FAB Tips to Add Momentum to Your Goals: (in NO particular order)1. STOP doing the same thing and expecting different results
2. STOP wishing progress would come simply because "you speak it into existence"
3. Identify your goal(s) for the year and make a list of must-have resources
4. Put a mentor "wish list" together and start recruiting a mentor ASAP!
5. Secure at LEAST 5 seasoned professional allies that will turn you on to new ideas, advice and resources
6. STOP complaining about your situation and switch up your game plan
7. Do your research! Are you an expert in your field of interest? Where is your knowledge deficiency? Fix it!
8. Write down your last 10 mistakes and analyze each situation, then write a solution for each scenario as a way to learn rather than criticize
9. Refine your professional portfolio (resume, cover letter and work samples). If you don't have a portfolio. Get to it!
10. Pray for a sign, for guidance. Pray that God gives you the work ethic, wisdom and patience to achieve His desired goal for your life.
11. Acknowledge that you DO NOT know everything and start asking more thought-provoking questions. How many questions have you asked today?
12. START taking at least TWO new professionals out to lunch, for a drink or coffee per week --continuing to build relationships is essential to business growth!
13. Identify your WOW Factors and create strategies to positively exploit them (daily!)
14. Choose 3 professionals per month to thank and send them an "appreciation" card for supporting your professional endeavors
15. Attend at least 1-2 events per month relevant to your field of interest
16. Take at least 10 minutes of "me time" each day to sit in silence and meditate
17. Strengthen your skill set and knowledge by doing at least 2 productive extracurricular assignments each day, such as reading an article, having an intellectual conversation, joining a new organization or industry research
18. Make a daily to-do list and hold yourself accountable
19. Get your proper rest so that your brain can function properly
20. Do at least one thing each day that makes you smile
Oh and here is an extra tip for kicks . . .
STOP feeding into the hype that ANY action is PRODUCTIVE action. You can work tirelessly and endlessly and still get no where. Learn how to work smart(er), not aimlessly harder.
Tough love . . . you're FAB . . . you can handle it!
Get set. Go!