Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear 2012 ~

You have officially arrived and I am so happy to see you! The ring of your name is filled with promise and positivity - all great signs that point to a bright present, future. I hope that you hear my thoughts, my prayers, my deepest desires, my hopes, my dreams, my vision, my abilities and capabilities, my fears, my strengths, my hard work, my values. I hope you see me in a way that is good, better than before. I know we will endure challenges, but I pray that I find solace in your embrace. I pray that you comfort me when I am down and love me when I need a friend. I believe in the possibility of you. Our year has no limitations and restrictions and we define our destiny. You and me. 2012, I need you. I need you to be great. I welcome your blessings. I welcome the hardships. I ask for patience and understanding and wisdom. You are awesome and I welcome your smile. Your inquisitiveness. Your faithfulness. 2012, you are a bit confusing. Providing hope but no real answers. Progress but no clear road map. Promising vibes but no confirmations. And 2012, that's where I am assuming you call for faith. Faith to believe in the impossible. Thank you in advance for your enduring love and compassion, sensitivity to my feelings and emotions, understanding of my desires and tough love that helps to guide my path.

I thank you for everything you've already promised. I am sure you will deliver every blessing right on time.

Love always,


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