Sunday, January 6, 2013

Are you in denial?

Our destiny is staring us right in the face and many times, we see it. We know what we're supposed to do but we ignore it. We fight it. We act like we don't see the vision and continue leading our lives like we are oblivious to the signs. Yeah, how's that working out? Well, I mean, I have seen tons of people leading successful and happy lives without listening to the signs but you know what?! [And I am just now getting a bit more clarity on this thought.] The difference is that some are called to lead and others are called to listen. If you are aware of your position and the circumstances surrounding your calling, you are called to lead. And you will not move forward or progress until you fulfill that calling. It stalks you. It whispers in your ear. It will follow you as you enter relationships, jobs, conversations, new situations . . . it will start to drown out your thoughts until you finally surrender. Those who are called to listen. Must do just that, listen. And if you don't, you will continue to face the same adversities disguised in various forms until you are willing to submit your own thoughts and feelings and listen to the signs you are given. You can't escape the roll you were called to play. Leader or listener . . . either way, at the end of the day, you must acknowledge your calling. And the kicker is that, no one can help you. You'll find that no one will truly understand the complexity of your thoughts, your struggles, your gifts, your heart but YOU. And when you get to the end of the rope and you're finally ready to submit, peace and clarity are the faithful friends waiting for you (for us). The real question is, "are you tired of running and ready to face your calling?"

Sometimes submitting is the strongest thing you'll ever do. Try it. Stop running, start submitting. See what happens . . . the power of the unknown is probably better than what we can see. I'll admit, I'm ready to find out. Are you?

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