Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fashion Group International Event!

You're invited to an FGI CONNECT networking evening, our first 2010 event in our continuing Careers In Transition Series

Please join us for "...OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB (SITE) WE WEAVE.... "

- When it doesn't incorporate the right key words for your business
- When it doesn't respond to a search word for what you do
- When it doesn't stand out among those of your competitors
- When it doesn't work efficiently to make money for you featuring Web Expert, Renee Palmer

Find out how your web site can work harder, smarter and more effectively.

It's called search engine optimization -- SEO-- and web expert, Renee Palmer, will be here to talk about the tricks, tips and need to know about customizing and marketing your web site.

Date: Tuesday, FEBRUARY 2, 2010

Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., speaking portion begins promptly at 6:15

Where: The Fashion Group International (8 West 40th Street, 7th Floor, NYC)

*wine and cheese networking reception

DO take full advantage of this interactive networking event. There will be a special table set up for business cards and your promotional materials, so be sure to bring yours.

FEE: cover charge for FGI members: $15.00; Non-Member Guest: $50.00 (can be applied toward membership sign-up fees)

To rsvp, visit (RSVP required. Space Limited.)

FGI Connect is a networking event hosted by the FGI membership committee.
Any questions, call the FGI Membership Dept. at (212) 302-5511

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