Sunday, May 2, 2010

Event Recap: J.Styles featured Speaker at Fashion Fights Cancer event

EVENT RECAP: Fashion Fights Cancer - YMCA - May 1st

J.Styles of The FAB Network supported the nonprofit organization, Fashion Fights Cancer event at the YMCA in Brooklyn on Saturday to share her knowledge and words of encouragement on how to truly lead a FABulous life by Looking, Feeling and Being Your BEST!

We talked "WOW Factor", Beauty, Health, Relationships... By continuing to raise awareness about Breast Cancer, we are helping to save lives! Remember, it takes a village....

Check out J.Styles as she educates, excites and engages the audience!

"What's Your WOW Factor?"

"How can you Look, Feel & Be FABulous?"

"Hone in on your special quality and exploit it in a positive way!"

"Close your eyes and think about what your dreams are."

I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!

Listening to the participants.

Ways to lead a FABulous life!

For more information on Fashion Fights Cancer, visit


Unknown said...

looking good j styles! i promoted this event on my blogsite,! so glad fashion fights cancer chose you to speak-u are an inspiration to many!! see you at their fashion show on June 3rd!

J.Styles said...

Hey Danielle,

Thank you for posting the event on your site! Aww, your words of encouragement are appreciated! I love that you're visiting the FAB blog! :)