Tuesday, September 14, 2010

CASTING: The Gong Show

The Gong Show, the former 1970s television game show, is now a live off-Broadway theatrical production. The Sony Authorized Stage production of The Gong Show is seeking more talent for the cast with acts that are kooky, hilarious, unusual or amazing is some way. Email a 2-minute or less video link of your act to WarnerBrosCasting1@yahoo.com. Do NOT send a headshot or a resume. The production is casting for acts and actors for this ongoing, professional theatrical stage production. New York casting director, Robert Russell, who has been involved with casting for many reality TV shows such as The Apprentice, Big Brother and more, is overseeing casting for the live stage version of The Gong Show. More information about the stage show can be found at www.gongshowlive.net .

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