Sunday, February 20, 2011

FGI presents FGI Connect

You're invited to an FGI CONNECT networking evening,
another event in our continuing Careers In Transition Series
Learn HOW to tell the story of WHO you truly are

FIND OUT HOW to re-write your personal bio in a way that resonates and connects you with others in an interactive session with MICHAEL MARGOLIS, teacher, storyteller and media entrepreneur, here to show you his breakthrough storytelling methods and how they apply to the world of social media.

For the last decade, Michael Margolis, president of Get Storied, has been teaching business leaders how to apply storytelling to the change-making and creative process. A consultant to leading institutions, including Audubon, NASA, Omnicom and, his work has been featured in Brandweek, Fast Company and Storytelling Magazine, among other publications. Recently, Margolis produced the Reinvention Summit, a virtual conference with over
500 change-makers and 37 speakers from around the globe.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

6:00 - 7:30 p.m., speaking portion begins promptly at 6:15

The Fashion Group International

8 West 40th Street, 7th Floor, NYC

wine and cheese networking reception

DO take full advantage of this interactive networking event.
There will be a special table set up for business cards and your
promotional materials, so be sure to bring yours.

cover charge for FGI members: $15.00

Non-Member Guest: $50.00 (can be applied toward membership sign-up fees)

RSVP required.
Space Limited.

RESERVATIONS: Complete and MAIL this form with a check to FGI (address below) or print, complete and FAX form and credit
card information to (212) 302-5533.

NUMBER OF TICKETS: _____ Member @ $15 ___ Guest @ $50 (applicable to membership sign-up fees)

METHOD OF PAYMENT: _____ AMEX _____ MC _____ Visa (March 2, 2011 FGI Connect)

Card No._________________________________________ Exp. Date______________

Total dollar amount to be charged $__________ ( tickets are non-refundable unless cancelled 24 hours in advance)

Name(s) of attendee(s)_________________________________________________________





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