Saturday, April 20, 2013

Complaining Won't Get You Far (In Your Career)

I know it's frustrating that your interview was two weeks ago and you still haven't heard an answer, your boss asked you to stay late after you already told her you had plans, you're tired of playing "nice guy" when your co-worker is a b!tch, you're always the one taking the high road when everyone slacks off, your office computer constantly requires tech support and it rains on the day you wear your suede stilettos.

I get it. You're tired and frustrated. You want to vent and complain and in reality, you have the right to. But, here's some friendly advice. No one likes a complainer, even if you have just cause to complain. No one cares and frankly you start to annoy people after awhile. They tend to forget why you're complaining and start to label YOU as the problem.

What can you do INSTEAD of complain? For starters you can . . .
  • Pick and choose your battles. Every situation isn't worth fighting or complaining about. Sometimes, you just have to take a deep breath and walk away
  • Address the issues that you deem important head on. Don't be passive aggressive. Address the issue, come up with a solution and focus on achieving a positive outcome versus the present distraction
  • Find a safe place to vent, such as your journal, personal blog, confidant or close friend
  • Engage in stress relieving activities such as exercise, reading or meditating
Complaining won't get you far, instead you'll be overlooked for job opportunities, put in a box as simply a "complainer", or worse case scenario, you will become your own worst enemy and never achieve personal peace because you're too busy complaining.

Get a grip, stop complaining and transform your most frustrating moments to your most rewarding!

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