Times are hard. Jobs are scarce. Stand out. Bottom line.
Before your mind even ponders on what you're going to wear or how you're going to do your hair - let's be clear that it's the entire package that is going to count in today's competitive market. The days of getting brownie points for wearing cute shoes is over. You must be overly prepared in every capacity to WOW the employer - that's the key! What does this mean, you may ask?!
It means that there are 4 main buckets you need to consider when trying to ace your interview.4 Buckets to INTERVIEWING SUCCESS:
1. Personal Branding: In simple terms - personal appearance, attire, hair, demeanor, vibe, attitude. The "personal branding" effect really happens before you open your mouth. You can always revamp your personal branding statement with words, but it starts with first impressions. When you walk in a room, you're representing yourself - question is, what are you telling the world about who you are? We are all guilty of pre-judging others based on several factors but it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's natural and it's not going away. We must consider putting together a personal branding package that speaks to who we are and who we want to be. Even if you're not CEO but you aspire to be, you must carry yourself in a CEO-type manner to garner the respect that any top ranking executive would call for. We must play the part we want in life - don't get caught up in where you are, get lost in where you want to be.
There are many facets to the personal branding concept, but the major things to remember are:
- Dress for Success: Research your atmosphere. Make sure that your style of dress makes sense for your interviewing environment. If you're going on a construction site interview, it's probably not a top priority to wear a suit. You want your interviewer to feel that you are automatically in sync with the environment, which helps them to envision you as part of the team. Always dress professionally regardless, but it is always a good idea to add your own spin to society's idea of "professionalism," you can do this by simply adding a piece of jewelry, scarf, or pin that adds your flavor to it. Isn't the point to stand out - in a good way?!
- Who are you? From the moment that you walk into the building, your GREEN light has to be turned on and you must let all your passion run freely. The biggest mistake that I find people making is that they tone down their passion and fierceness during interviews. They're so determined to be polite and professional, they forget to be real. People can talk freely and confidently to their friends and family about why they want they the job; however, during an interview they are shy and timid. NO!!!! This is the time to get excited, passionate, and enthralled in the conversation. Don't back down now - the employer needs to feel your sense of urgency about why you WANT this job versus the 10 other people being interviewed. I understand that nerves can sometimes take over, but you have to sike yourself out. Be an actor for a day and pretend to be confident and daring, even if you're not. Put nerves aside and claim your dream!
- Demeanor: Demeanor is the way in which you carry yourself - which encompasses many characteristics such as attitude, confidence, and the vibe you give off. In order to ace this portion of the interview, it's critical that your swagger is on point. You must walk with confidence, yet humility. You must be charismatic, yet calm. You must be positive, yet real. You must sound knowledgeable, yet open for feedback. It's a fine balance - just remember, you have to believe that you're capable of handling the job before they can. If you truly know that you are perfect for this job - your MAIN purpose during the course of the interview is to ensure that the employer is also on board and believes you're capable.
2. WOW Factor aka Point of Difference: There is a crowd vying for the SAME job you want. What makes you stand out? Why should the employer give you the job? How are you different? What is your WOW factor? Before the employer can answer those questions - you have to know the answers first! Figure out what makes you different and hone that skill, exploit it to the best of your ability. We are all different and bring various skills to the table, so it's important to figure out how to highlight your strengths and downplay your weaknesses. In order to achieve this, you have to be self-reflective and honest with yourself. When your interviewer walks away, you want them to say, "wow I've met with 6 other candidates, but no one had the energy, drive, and knowledge that she did. Interviews over! I want her!"
Brainstorming Wow Factors:
- Portfolio: Professional way to show your work and experience in an organized an impressive way. Such a great talking point. Instead of just bringing in the typical flat resume and cover letter, ignite life into the interview. Bring in some interesting work pieces that you've done to add interest and excitement to the conversation. Great way to earn brownie points!
- Resume Wow-zer: Make sure your resume is error-free, buttoned up with all necessary details, easy to read, professional, clear and concise, and would stand out in a stack of papers. What does your resume have that is interesting enough to make someone actually want to read the entire page? Note - it should only be ONE page. No excuses! Moral of the story: a resume wow-zer is one that encompasses all the main ingredients, but has that spark of interest and cherry on top that makes everyone say WOW!
- Spark: Your friends love you, your co-workers think you're hilarious, your family thinks you're great...question is, how can you communicate your greatness sitting at a desk in front of a complete stranger?! That's the real challenge. Find a creative, subtle way of revealing your "spark" to your interviewer. They should not be aware of your scheme. All they should think is, "wow, I LOVE this girl. She's GREAT!"
3. The Connection: Despite the title or the big office or what the business card says, everyone has a soft side - you just have to find it! Sometimes the connection is inherent and comes natural, other times you have to dig a bit deeper. Make a connection with your interviewer and appeal to their emotions in a way that allows you to connect with them aside from asking generic interviewing questions. This allows you to build a bridge between being Jane Doe to Jessica Styles. Now you have identity and a real connection that will make them remember you and consider you in a whole new way. Isn't it easier to give to friends than strangers, why - because we have a relationship with them. Same here, you have X amount of time to build a mini meaningful memorable relationship, get started, go!
Connection Ideas:
You: "I love your shoes." Employer: "Thank you, yours are nice too. Love your style."
You: "Wow, I have never been on an interview and felt this instantly connected to the company." Employer: "Wow, I am so glad you feel that way. Makes me feel really good. We love to hear that."
You: "I really want this job. I have never felt this passionate before. I really feel like I will be able to make a difference." Employer: "That's great, we're looking for someone to be really excited and eager to take on this position."
You: "I really admire how you've been able to achieve your level of success. Is there a lot of room for growth here?" Employer: "Thank you, I have really worked hard and through the years, this company has been really great with helping to promote within."
You: "In this role, I truly feel that I will be able to hone in on my skills and truly impact the company." Employer: "Wonderful, in today's market, we really need a go-getter!"
4. Expertise: All of the above topics are critical and very important; however, if you are not an expert on the company, the position you're applying for, what you bring to the table and how you see yourself fitting in - you're doomed! Nothing else matters. Sorry to be so blunt, but you must be thoroughly educated and prepared. Actually, more like overly prepared - just to be on the safe side. Don't get caught slipping.
Preparation Strategies:
- Research: Everything. Know the company and job you're applying for inside out. Be prepared with talking points to show you've done your research. Even if you aren't asked specific questions, find a way to slip in a few facts - very impressive. Don't go overkill, but do show that you're well informed and engaged.
- Prepare Questions: Already have a mental list of questions you want to ask, this helps you to seem engaged and interested. Don't ask random questions, create questions that are interesting, relevant and thought-provoking.
- Bring a Notebook and Pen: Be prepared to take notes and write down any pertinent information. This shows that you're organized and well prepared.
- Bring Several Copies (of everything): Resume, Cover Letter, Pen, etc.
- Be Organized: Don't shuffle through papers and begin to look flustered. Have all papers readily accessible so that when the interview begins, you are on cue and ready to go!
If you have read, considered, and mastered the 4 buckets listed above: Personal Branding, WOW Factor, The Connection, and Expertise - you are ready to ACE your interview. Good luck and make FAB proud!
In today's competitive market, we must be overly prepared with a savvy plan that will eliminate the competition!