Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ever Talk to Yourself???

I do. Ever need to have a question answered and no one seems to have the answer? I do. Ever need to have "self-reflection" time to figure out exactly what's going on in your mind, your heart, your body? I do. Theme: Talk to yourself!

Sometimes we lean on others far too often. We give them the responsibility of giving us the answers to our dreams. We ask them to create our futures, our destiny. We ask them to think for us. We find comfort in someone taking away our pain. We lean instead of stand. We fall instead of run. We crumble in the face of adversity and often, blame others.

So, again, I ask . . . ever talk to yourself? Don't be afraid to answer yes! In fact, if you have, you are one step ahead of the game. Self-reflection is a critical detail in understanding who you are as a professional and more importantly, who you are as an individual. Before you can bring people into your circle or find true comfort in others, you must have a clear understanding of who you are, what you want out of life and get a game plan together on how you're going to attain the end goal of the strategy you've mentally drafted.

Figuratively or physically . . . talking to yourself is a very therapeutic exercise! Try it!

In the shower, walking down the street, in your journal, cooking or washing your car . . . have a real conversation with yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin. Get to know you.

I challenge you today to become best friends with yourself. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. Know and understand yourself. Be proud of yourself. Challenge yourself. Be real with yourself. Cry with yourself. Laugh at yourself.

Today is the DAY! Talk to yourself, I do!

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