Karen Oliver and Associates & Gorgeous on the Go partnered to present "Ask Dr. Graf" - an exclusive experience where Dr. Graf shared her thoughts and wisdom on skincare concerns and scientific remedies to feeling and looking beautiful! Dr. Graf challenged the attendees to participate in a contest, in which we measure our pH levels daily. In essence, we must become more conscious of what we are putting into our bodies and how those factors are influencing the way we look and feel. The great aspect about the challenge is that we are able to measure our progress by using pH strips. Conducting a pH balance test helps to reveal our level of acid intake and how that impacts our energy level, our skin's appearance & resilience and much more! To really dive deep and learn more pH levels and how to "erase 5 years overnight" you should invest in Dr. Graf's book "Stop Aging, Start Living" on shelves NOW!
FAB was on the scene to nab a signed copy of Dr. Graf's book and to hear first hand the importance of understanding the scientific background of the foods and drinks we intake. According to Dr. Graf, we can create our own beauty reality if we make healthier lifestyle choices!
Check out the event pics and Dr. Graf LIVE on camera!
FAB Interview with Dr. Graf
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