Monday, August 9, 2010

A student needs YOU . . . become an iMentor TODAY!

iMentor is an organization serving students in the NYC area and are seeking mentors that have time, resources and a caring heart to share! FAB and iMentor need YOU! I have personally pledged my time and efforts and I hope that you will too! Together, we can make a difference!

Application deadline is August 30th

Become a Mentor!

Join over a thousand professionals in NYC who mentor iMentor teens from underserved communities. Most of them had never served as mentors before joining but iMentor’s flexible and supportive mentoring model gave them the opportunity and confidence to try.

Not only will you have a fun and rewarding experience, but you’ll change a young person’s life. And you won’t be alone – most of the mentoring happens in groups and over email. You’ll be assigned an iMentor staff member to help you along the way.

What do you have to do?

Send one weekly email on an interesting topic that iMentor provides

See your mentee once a month for two hours at an iMentor organized event

How will you have an impact?

92% of iMentor mentees graduated from high school (compared to NYC rate of 61%)

82% of mentees enrolled in college (compared to the national rate of 33%)

Other reasons to become a mentor:

Joining iMentor provides you with an opportunity to network with other professionals in New York at our mentors-only networking events

40% of our mentors told us they were happier at work because of their participation with iMentor

The first step is to fill out an online application. The next step is to attend a mentor training session.

Deadline for applications is August 30

To learn more go to or contact

Keith Miller at or (212) 461-4330, ext 86.

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