Sunday, August 1, 2010


NEWS FLASH - FAB Celebrates ONE Year Anniversary - Website Re-Launch

Hello FABulous!

The FAB Network is VERY excited to announce the re-launch of the website (! My dreams for FAB have unfolded so much in this past year and I am truly grateful to everyone for their support!

The NEW WEBSITE is now an even greater resource for YOU! The site is a comprehensive platform that encompasses the various facets of FAB including: About the Founder, Past FAB Events, New Membership Level (GOLD Member), Career Suite, Blog, Videos, Pictures, Industry Forum and More! The FAB Network website AND blog is a place to gain inspiration, career knowledge and industry resources. I hope that you will take advantage of these opportunities!

If you are an existing FAB Member (aka Silver Member) and would like to upgrade to become a GOLD Member (access to VIP events, Career Suite and much more), please visit the website ASAP to learn about what this new FABulous membership has to offer!

This is a very exciting time for The FAB Network and I am so excited and humbled to see positive progress being made. Let's continue to work hard, support one another and most of all, remain steadfast in our quest to reach our greatest potential!

I hope you enjoy the new & improved

Much Love and Stay FAB!

J. Styles

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