Friday, March 25, 2011

Event Recap: The FAB Network presents "The Insider"

Event Recap -- The FAB Network presents "The Insider" -- Honey -- March 24, 2011

"FAB Takes You Inside the Beauty Industry"

Trade Associations -- Product Development -- Manufacturing

Last night, FAB hosted an event dedicated to unveiling industry secrets & tips on how a beauty product is conceived, launched and marketed to retailers and consumers. Makeup Artists, corporate professionals, entrepreneurs and college students packed the venue Honey to mingle and gain exclusive information from beauty industry leaders. We broke up into groups of three and each group had one confirmed professional leading the discussion. After fifteen minutes, each group was given a new professional. The candid and close-knit dialogue allowed everyone to ask questions and gain one-on-one time with the beauty professionals. The group discussion was followed by a networking mixer.

Confirmed Professionals Included:
Kelly Kovack (Co-Founder/CEO, Purpose-Built)
Mary J. Palmieri (Beauty Blogger & Wellness Business Development Executive, United Business Media / HBA Global)
Tamar Kamen (Senior Director of Product Development & Marketing, Maesa Beauty)

The professionals dived deep in conversation, helping attendees to understand the more technical angle of the beauty industry -- an aspect often times overlooked. As beauty professionals, it is important that we not only understand how a product functions and why we love a product, but the process in which it was created and the steps that lead to its market success. These ideas were the premise of last night's conversation. We learned FAB info, indeed!

Thank you again to everyone involved!

Take a look at the FAB pics!

Confirmed Professionals (L to R):

Kelly Kovack (Co-Founder/CEO, Purpose-Built), Tamar Kamen (Senior Director of Product Development & Marketing, Maesa Beauty), Yours Truly (Founder of The FAB Network) and Mary J. Palmieri (Beauty Blogger & Wellness Business Development Executive, United Business Media/HBA Global

FAB & HBA Global on the Scene!

Mary J. Palmieri of United Business Media / HBA Global

Thank you for participating & sharing your knowledge!

Special thanks to all the FAB volunteers!

Kelly Kovack leads the discussion

Tamar Kamen talks Product Development

Mary J. Palmieri talks Trade Organizations

Sharing info on how HBA Global is such an intricate part of the beauty industry!

Listening Intently

Intimate Group Conversations Taking Place

Let's Get to Know Each Other

FAB is all about learning!

1st FAB Experience!

FAB's J. Styles talks to attendees about Beauty!

HBA Representative (R) shows FAB love! Thank You!

Listening to Tamar Kamen

All Smiles!

Students from Manhattan College come to learn & show FAB love!

Jackie Kidd from United Negro College Fund supports FAB!

Professional Chit Chatter

J. Styles with Beauty Blogger & Entrepreneur Genevieve Santos

New FAB Member!

Making Memories!

Happy Times

I love college students!

Exchanging business cards...let's stay connected!

Networking mixer begins!

Time to mix and mingle

FAB Times


I feel honored by the continued support of those speaking, attending and volunteering at FAB events. My mission through FAB is to help spread knowledge and inspiration, and thanks to YOU, I am able to live out my dream. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your support!

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