Monday, December 8, 2008

Calling all Dream Chasers!

FAB: Fabulous Dreams Coming into Fruition

This message is to all my FAB readers who are serious about pursuing a dream, serious about it coming into fruition and serious about taking steps to make it happen.
You have a dream, a goal...what do you do now?
Write your dream down.
Write everything that comes to mind with regards to your goal.
Put it out of your mind, meditate on it and come back to it.
Share a part of your goal to a supportive friend (never share every detail!)
Make a list of all the things you can personally do yourself.
Make a list of all the things you need help with.
Make a list of people that can help you with your goal.
Contact the people that can help you and ask if they know others.
Create a timeline of short term and long term goals.
Network, put the word out so others can chime in with ideas and contacts.
Start the work. Do what you can.
Research how others achieved your goal, but add your twist to it!
Hold yourself accountable and make sure your friends do too.
When you start to feel frustrated, go a way and come back to it with a fresh attitude.
Don't give up, success is never easy!
Read, volunteer, work, ask, talk, research...tackle every angle of your goal.
Get a mentor.
If your Plan A doesn't work, revise it. Plan B may be even better.
It's okay to keep reinventing your dream, as long as the core idea is the same and you haven't compromised your target goal.
Be creative, dare to be different and step outside the box.

FAB HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***I dare all my FAB readers: Put your dream in writing and flush out all your ideas. Tell someone. Make a short and long term goal.***

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