Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Stay FOCUSED in a Saturated Workforce . . .

Work-Life Balance Strained. Social Media Overload. Responsibilities Galore. Do any of these 3 phrases ring a bell? How do you successfully juggle all 3? The answer is simple: FOCUS!

FOCUS encompasses 3 very important factors:
1. Time Management.
2. Prioritization.
3. Balance.

Sounds easy, I know. But seriously, escaping the saturated feeling you experience on a daily basis when it seems as if everything is swallowing your time and energy. You're left feeling tired, only to realize you still haven't accomplished all the things on your to-do list. Work can engulf our lives and has the potential to negatively saturate our mood, our life - not necessarily because we hate our jobs, or our work, or our team or boss, but because we lack FOCUS. When we lack FOCUS, we focus on everything, devoting time and attention to the small things that deserve to be on the bottom of the list. Many of us spend our day stressing about things that have no determining factor over our success or finances, instead of diving in and giving 100% to those factors that are truly going to impact our careers and personal lives. Before you fret over small, insignificant people or issues in any realm in your life . . . ask yourself these 2 questions, IS THIS GOING TO IMPACT MY LIFE? DO I HAVE CONTROL OVER THIS ISSUE? Those 2 questions should help you define what type of attention you should give to that particular issue.

1. Is this going to impact my life? This question basically analyzes the depth of the issue at hand. If the issue is small and plays no significant role in your present or future, then why spend time worrying, stressing, thinking, talking or analyzing it? Simply, accept the fact at hand and move on!

2. Do I have control over this issue? This question forces you to understand the difference between things that you can change and the things that you have no control over. If you have the power to change it, change it. If not, it is not worrying, stressing, thinking, talking or analyzing it. Simply, accept the fact at hand and move on!

We spend so much time focusing on things that are so insignificant that we often have little time or energy to give our minds to the things that will build up our futures!
FAB is challenging you to get and remain FOCUSED! Don't become so saturated by your work environment, that you drown yourself. Be a life raft for your present and your future. Become the well-balance person you aspire to be by focusing on the things that matter and ditching the things that don't!

What are you going to focus on? What are you going to forget?

If you listen to every successful person's story, you'll begin to see a trend. At the very core of their success, was the seed of FOCUS. They were focused and stayed focused. And that hard work blossomed. Focus is such an easy thing to overlook. Don't miss out on your blessing because you're stressed that your co-worker wore the shirt you had on yesterday! Who cares?! You have MILLIONS to make. LET'S GET AND STAY FAB PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FAB Challenges YOU Today! Are you FOCUSED???????

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