Saturday, February 6, 2010

What comes after BRAINSTORMING?

Steps to Consider:

- Write all your notes down in your CAREER JOURNAL (strictly to be used for career development)
- Write your goals (1 month, 6 months, 1 year goals)
- Who do you need to connect with (mentors, professionals, friends, colleagues, new contacts, dream wish list, etc.)
- To-Do List (what are the immediate tasks you should be focusing on?)
- Research (how are you going to connect the dots and learn more about how to achieve your goals? websites, organizations, blogs, books, magazines, google, informational meetings, etc.)
- Be creative (how are you thinking outside the box to get to the next level? how are you challenging yourself to expand your network, knowledge and dreams?)
- Inspiration (what are you doing to stay inspired? what keeps you motivated?)
- Surroundings (what's in your surroundings? is your circle enabling your success or failure?)

Think about these steps AFTER you brainstorm.

Brainstorm. Hustle. Succeed.

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