Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All out of words, so I listened to others spit their words...

Sometimes when your fuel is low, it's nice to feed off other's energy...even if they aren't necessarily talking about anything that is on your mind, it nevertheless stimulates your creative energy and feeds your mind - enabling your creative sensibilities, stimulating your mental capacities, and discouraging your overwithdrawn realities. My mind needs a break, so I decided to listen to poetry while my thoughts marinate. C'mon take a break with me and listen to these poems real intent-ly and gain some momentum from these creative talented poets.

These videos have nothing to do with career advancement or work or networking or goals...they're simply videos to stimulate our creative inner selves. Don't overthink, just enjoy!

Dulce de Leche

We're Just MEN

This Type Love

In Response

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