Friday, December 4, 2009

STOP being your own worst critic!

I'm talking to YOU! It's easy to think of hundreds of reasons why you can't or why your efforts would lead you to failure, but no one can truly plant the seed of doubt in your mind but you. The key to failure is thinking. Don't think, just act. When you think too much, it becomes a hindrance rather than a well thought out plan. The people who have changed history, who have made significant changes in our lives and who are often the bold face change in society that we all often seek are those individuals that didn't over analyze their decision making, but rather made choices based on passion, rather than fear. Those great champions were willing to accept the possibility of failure in exchange for the mere thought that they had followed their heart. Confidence and passion are true keys to success. You can be the most educated, the most talented, the richest or the most popular but if you lack the confidence to know your own talents and strength, you will never achieve your highest potential. STOP thinking and just follow your heart. Not having all the pieces to the puzzle does not make you weak or unprepared, sometimes the joy in decision-making is playing rush and roulette with our dreams. If we have truly put the effort forth necessary to see progress, progress will surely come. It may not come at our beckon call, but it will undoubtedly come. We must STOP criticizing ourselves for the things we lack and start celebrating ourselves for the gifts we must own! We all have blessings stored deep within us, it is our duty as a civil servant to research ourselves and discover ways to make this world a better place. We have the talent. We have the power. Do we have the confidence? Do we have the strong conviction it takes to not only recognize our passions and goals, but to DO something about it? STOP criticizing and start believing! Stop waiting for others to encourage you, encourage yourself!!!

Don't think. Just act.

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