Saturday, January 24, 2009


BET Exclusive: FAB had the awesome opportunity to have an interview with BET's up and coming Corporate Executive, Kiarra Smothers. Today she's the Partner Marketing Coordinator, but it's only a matter of time before this young driven professional will be calling the shots! Thank you Kiarra for taking the time to talk with FAB about the wonderful world of Music/Entertainment. Kiarra has a refreshing take on adding her positive spin to the negative rap that Urban Music/Entertainment often gets from the Media. She is determined to NOT just be in the business to receive all the exclusive "benefits" of working in the industry or because it sounds cool, she actually wants to make a difference by providing an entertainment platform that touches the heart and soul of those tuning in. Kiarra is only 24 but she has set her sights high. Just from talking with her about her career aspirations, I know that she will go far to become the "Corporate Executive making a difference" that she aspires to be!


HOMETOWN: Fort Washington, MD (D.C. area)
EMPLOYER: BET Networks, Partner Marketing Coordinator
INTERNSHIPS: Bad Boy, BET, Def Jam, Universal Records, So So Def, VH1, Radio One, Infinity Broadcasting, Sweetsoul Entertainment
CAREER GOALS: become top executive in a music/entertainment company, as well as start my own business

BET's Kiarra Smothers speaks candidly to FAB.

FAB: Let's cut right to the chase, you're destined for greatness. FAB should get your autograph now, I can foresee you being a well-respected Top Executive within the Music/Media industry in the coming years. Am I right to make this assumption?

Since part of my dream is to be a Top Executive in the Music/Entertainment industry, I would say so! (laughs) I have always known that the Music/Media industry is where I wanted to be and I try to make strides daily to take me there. My passion and desire to succeed will not let me stop until I reach my goals.

FAB: You're only 24, yet you seem to have it all together. Or is it the case that the "grass is always greener on the other side?"

KS: Even when you think that you have it all together, there is always more to learn or a new challenge. I have so much further to go and I know that this is only the beginning, so I don't have it ALL together but I think I'm on the right track.

Bad Boy to Def Jam to BET, what other top ranking companies do you want to add to your resume?

KS: Honestly, I have been an intern or have worked in some capacity for all of my dream companies, but I'd love to come back and work in a closer capacity to those I admire, like Kevin Liles, Shanti Das, Katina Bynum and Michelle"Breeze" Johnson just to name a few would be ideal.

FAB: FAB wishes you good luck on meeting your career icons! As you discuss your goals, you always seem to come back to the music aspect of the industry, what intrigues you the most about the music side of the Entertainment business? Why?

KS: There is something about music that just touches and moves the soul and hearts of people. I love the feelings that it evokes whether it's joy, pain, celebration or love - it's captivating. I've always wanted a job that I LOVE and I know being surrounded by music and the creative energy that's built into it as I connect the people to experience the music is something that can keep me going. That passion and love for a job is a MUST to me!

FAB: FAB definitely agrees, happiness is a deritive of passion. As the Entertainment industry becomes increasingly saturated by drugs, sex, and violence - how do you see yourself fitting in?

KS: I see myself as being able to act as a conduit for the people. For the artist who wants their positive music heard and felt or for the people in the communities to voice their opinion on those things saturating the industry. Whether it's getting an eye opening song in rotation on the network, panel discussions in the communities, or helping to develop programming that lets people know this is a problem or concern - I plan to be able to help make a positive impact.

FAB: You have an entrepreneurial spirit about you, how do you plan to leverage your reign as Top Executive with you entrepreneur dreams?

KS: DEFINITELY- I have numerous ideas now but I know there are two things I LOVE- food and beauty ( LAUGHS!) are in the plan, you just have to wait and see.

FAB: Awww no, FAB has to wait for your big idea?! Okay, it's a deal....Did you have a common "move to the Big City" furniture, just clothes and a goal? Although everyone's story of not having much may seem similar, their personal learning is different. What did your experience teach you?

Well, I must say I was fortunate for my move to not be as dramatic as many others because I had the privilege to crash on my brother's couch in BK until I had some money, but I did get refreshed on a lesson I know too well, which is remembering that God will work things out in HIS time. It took a while to get the job I felt Icould be happy about waking up to but I held in there long enough and believed that God would take me there.

FAB: As a recent college graduate, you understand the hardships of finding yourself, all the while trying to land a successful career and juggle a personal life. What advice do you have for all the FAB Dream Chasers that were in your shoes or currently in your shoes?

KS: It differs based on what's important to you but for me I've always wanted to get my career together first and I knew the relationship would come along theway. There must and I repeat MUST be a balance between the two. While I'm a true believer in all work no play makes for a boring life, I get it in when it comes to work but I play just as hard.

How do you see FAB playing a vital role in your life?

KS: I see FAB being able to be that resource I can use for inspiration and uplifiting. I hope that I am able to touch others through FAB as they have touched me.

FAB: Pressure. No one can escape it. What's your biggest pressure these days? What do you plan to do about it?

KS: To be honest, I really don't let pressure get the best of me, but the main pressure I see for myself is fear. The fear of not making it to the level I desire to be at in MY time. Once again, I get to that lesson of MY time and God's time and I just have to trust and put my faith in him to know that I will be where I need to be when He wants me to be there.

FAB: What are the ingredients that you need to build your "happiness"pie? In other words, what do you need in order to fully feel complete?

KS: I consider myself a pretty simple person so my happiness pie would consistof - Faith, Family, Love, and Security - I believe if I have all of these I will have pure Peace and Joy.

***Kiarra is a great example of how one can turn a goal into reality - with a little patience and perseverance. FAB will definitely be watching Kiarra as she continues to bloom into the professional that knows where she came from and where she's going. FAB loves to see young professionals following their dreams, one day at a time!***

Kiarra with friends at Microsoft event, December 2008
Microsoft event featuring COMMON - launched his t-shirt line, "Software"

Kiarra enjoying down time with a friend at BET Hip Hop Awards in ATL, October 2008

Friday, January 23, 2009

Denisio Truitt ( the "artist"), on Soul Searching and Following Your Heart!

She's fabulous. She's artistic. She's talented. She's breaking all the rules. Denisio certainly understands the hardships of trying to find a career that allows you make $ and pursue your passion all at the same time. Despite her family's idea of having a set in stone career path working in the corporate world, Denisio decided she needed to follow her own heart - even though she candidly admits, I was in college "struggling with finding a major. I was scared." After much thought, Denisio decided to major in English and pursue a not so black and white career path and for once, she actually felt like she made the right decision. She was now well on her way to securing a successful future after school or so she thought. Just like most college graduates, you leave college feeling confident that your Honor's Degree, internships, and classroom skills will land you your "dream job" but for many graduates, the story is much more complicated - Denisio learned this lesson the hard way. After graduating from the prestigious private liberal arts university, Washington and Lee, she was thrown into the work force with "no security and it was very overwhelming." The whole process of finding a job that truly makes you a happy is a "work in progress" Denisio admits. After feeling stagnant and frustrated, Denisio decided she needed to "calm down, soul search, and figure out her next step." After careful thought and self-analysis, Denisio decided to get a full-time job that allows her to pay her bills, while still having the time to dabble in all of her artistic passions. It is her hope that within the near future, she will be able to start a business where she can tap into all of her talents - sell her art pieces, create fashion designs, work in photography, and sign a book deal and trust me there's more! All things creative, is Denisio! In the interim, Denisio has gotten her business license, started an online business, continues to write, sculpt, draw, paint, design, and sew. She's preparing herself for that door of opportunity to open. She has the talent and the drive - so there's no doubt it will open soon. FAB knows she'll be ready!

Hometown: Greenbelt, Maryland (15 minutes from Washington, D.C.)

College: Washington and Lee University, B.A. English Literature

**It was very important for Denisio to tell her story to FAB readers, so we were able to dive in a bit deeper and get even more juicy details, just for YOU!**

Denisio in her artistic zone...

FAB: What do you want FAB readers to walk away with when they read this article?

I hope that by hearing the story of a working (and struggling) artist, readers will understand that your dream career starts with the NOW. This moment. Yes, it is critical to have a goal or a destination in life. Everyone should. But once you know the direction in which you want to go, don’t simply focus on the finish line. Don’t get caught up in dreams of success and recognition so much that when you don’t receive these things you become discouraged. Because, as author Eckhart Tolle says (and I’m paraphrasing here), "When your goal takes up all of your attention, when it becomes more important than the steps you are taking now, you are missing the enjoyment of the journey and your inner purpose". And to me it is in the NOW that truly great art is made.

FAB: What have you learned from following your heart and taking the road less traveled?

KS: I think I’ve realized that I am much stronger than I could ever imagine. Growing up I was always a very timid and shy child and even well into college. I allowed my mind and my fears to steer me away from what I wanted to and who I wanted to be. It got to a point where I felt like I was wearing a mask, and putting on a facade for others because I thought that’s who people wanted me to be. But by finally embracing my “artist mind” in my 20’s, I also embraced myself as a person. I wouldn’t say that I’m a different person now, I’m very much the same awkward, geeky, silly girl. Just that I accept it and own it.

Jacket and Skirt designed by Denisio, photographed by husband and photographer, Dasan Bobo

FAB: What are your current goals?

KS: To produce art that is meaningful and that tells my story. To create objects that are significant, even it is just to one person and even if that one person is me.To one day live and work with other artists in Liberia, my mother’s homeland. I would love to be involved with the preservation and conservation of Liberian art, much of it being lost to the civil war. I feel as though art is critical to the pride of one’s country. It can be cultural, historical, spiritual and even political. I believe a re-appreciation of Liberian art would be critical to the rebuilding of the country.To help create a study abroad residency program for art students in Liberia, perhaps sending them to different countries and likewise bring artist from other countries to Liberia.

FAB: How can FAB serve as a catalyst in helping you to achieve your goals?

KS: I’m hoping that through FAB I can network with like minded individuals interested in using beauty, fashion, and art to benefit others. I am also very much exciting in getting to know and meet with young students considering a career in the arts. Not that I think I can provide them with some great knowledge, I’m still a “student” myself! But its nice to have that support sometimes from someone on a similar journey.

FAB: What advice do you have for college students or young professionals torn about their career and futures?

KS: Probably the oldest and most cliché advice out there, listen your heart. Do what you truly love and enjoy doing, not what you think others expect of you. Fear and uncertainty is expected. But don’t let that fear stop you from what you know you are meant to do on this earth. The best part about life is that it’s never too late. You can start over. You can choose another path. There’s no right and wrong journey…just that you are on a journey is the most important thing. So find a goal, make steps towards it, and enjoy every moment of it.

Denisio painting in her home studio.

2008, Seated Nude and Wanyugo Mask: marker, pastel, and gold leaf on water color paper

2006, Sande Secret Society Girl: mixed media on canvas

Thank you Denisio for sharing your story, your words will ring loud and clear in the ears of those who are scared to follow their dreams or wasn't sure what 1st step to take. And FAB agrees, there is no approval or amount of money that can replace the feeling of content when you know you have followed your heart. We all have to start somewhere - and following your own heart is a great start!

****To get more information on Denisio's artwork: or find her on facebook****

It's about YOU, it's NOT about the JOB!

It's not JUST about finding a's about being fulfilled and securing a future! A happy, secure, and fulfilled future (and present). I encourage you to think about your future for a minute. Pause and Think right now................................................................................................................................................................................................. What do you want, where do you want to be, what makes you happy, what are you most passionate about, how can you earn a living doing what you are interested in? Forget about what other people may say, what society's expectations are of you are, escape your fears and inhibitions. THIS IS ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW. What is this really about?! Really digging deep and laying a path that grants you all that you want and more. No one said it would be easy, but thinking about your future now, will pay off in the long run. Do it for your future family, kids, for your future sanity. Ever need a contact or wanted to call someone to help you get a job or needed career advice and had no one to call??? I'm sure we've all felt like that at one time or another, well it's time to change that. We have to be the difference we seek - we have to be that person that others can call on for advice, for a word of encouragement, or a job. We have to set ourselves up for success, someone will need us one day! Whether it's working in management, working as an artist, working in retail, working in the corporate world, working in finance, working in beauty, or fashion, or marketing, or for the government, or starting your own business, or something that no one has ever heard of ---> think about if you are happy and if you are living up to your full potential. If your answer is yes, you have won half the battle. If your answer is no and you feel stuck, it's never too late. Start here, start right now. Seek out the best in yourself and go after your dreams. You'll appreciate it later. If I have learned nothing else from my working experience, it's that you have to be happy in order to be your best. It's more than just a job. You have to feel needed, appreciated, valued, and feel a sense of security from those around you. I am not advocating that every job will be a piece of cake and that everyday will be blissful. What I'm saying is that life is too short to hate 80% or more of your day. So, if this is you - figure out a plan B. Most of the time, circumstances can't change in one day, but if you start strategizing how you can ultimately be your happiest, then plan B will come one day. When we are in an uncomfortable position, it forces us to be creative and find a way, where there is seemingly no way. I am not suggesting that we need to be stressed out and try to create ways for us to be rich, famous, the president of a company, or anything weird or far fetched (not that any of these things are)- I am merely advocating for us to be the driver in our world of happiness and security, for us to make passionate decisions where we feel that we are making a difference, we matter. No one can make that decision for us. We all have something that we are good at, why not turn that into a career. It can be done. Just take another moment to as of today, let's plan for our future. Let's do it for our future families, for our future selves, for all those who sacrificed so that we could be all that we can be, for us! We deserve it! If you get nothing else from being a FAB reader or becoming a FAB member, please take this away from are the determining factor in your success and joy - no one else. Take the time to figure out how professional success and personal happiness can be your life! FAB will!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

FAB Touches Reader!

FROM the words of NEW FAB MEMBER...

"Hello Jessica! First let me say that your blog and non-profit organization are amazing. What a wonderful and positive way to uplift young professionals and college students! I spent most of last night reading the blog and will be subscribing. I think organizations such as yours are critical for young women (and men) today to show that fashion and the arts are very much an integral part of the business world and, as you say in your header, how to transform dreams into reality. So many times people are afraid to follow their dreams because (they think or people tell them) they might not make a lot of money or for from fear or failure. I know I had that issue in college myself. So it's refreshing to see someone promoting the idea of having dreams and goals and turning them into tangible businesses. Good stuff! I would be absolutely honored to be a part of your blog...So thank you for the opportunity!"

- Denisio Truitt
(Aspiring Entrepreneur and Artist)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Managing work and relationships...can we ever successfully have both?

Relationships...tricky subject and a peculiar beast to analyze but we must consider the importance of relationships when considering a happy and healthy adulthood. Relationships are of course not mandatory but they are the icing on an already tasty cake...even though it's really good, having that extra cherry on top is always nice. That's the positive side of relationships. But, what happens when work is booming and your relationship is sour. Bomber, I know! Having a successful career and managing a healthy relationship (especially in a larger city) is often hard to juggle but it can be done, I'm assuming. Dating professionals is often like interviewing potential candidates that you want to hire - you find out their past history, strengths, weaknesses, what they can bring to the table and then the inevitable question...what position are you hiring for?! Sometimes people are prepared for the wrong job interview and now the high seas begin to rise. Just as we are particular about our careers, our promotions, and our desire to succeed - that same time and care must be placed on attaining a relationship. Both a job and having a relationship are full-time employment and it takes dedication and care to maintain them both. So, the question still remains how do you successfully have both? I am not a relationship guru and still on the journey to finding that answer myself, but will say this - being yourself, working hard, and striving to be the best individual that you can be is all anyone can ever ask of you, whether it's work or personal. If you are dually employed (job and relationship) and happy with both employment opportunities - don't take either for granted. We are in a recession right now (for jobs and worthwhile relationships) so hold on to what you have and work hard to maintain both! After all, you deserve the best! It's all a learning curve, so yes, we can successfully have both - just make sure you're prepared when the right job calls looking for you - whether personal or professional!

FAB Readers... any thoughts on this matter??

America is making history. YES WE CAN!

If America can do it, so can we! One step at a time of course, but can we do it? YES WE CAN! So, I'll skip the "we can do it" cliches and move right into the what are YOU doing to make sure "it" happens - whatever that it may be for you. Let's take it a step further and say, instead of getting bogged down in the details, let's hit the ground running and analyze later, sometimes we analyze too much and our thoughts become stagnant and nothing ever happens. My theory is like Nike says, "Just Do It". With that said, I am in the boat with you, so as I preach the YES WE CAN speech, I am also getting myself mentally prepared to make this year all that I want it to be and more. The 3 most important things that help me to get geared up and stay geared up is...1.) faith 2.) surrounding myself with the right type of support 3.) staying personally encouraged and self-motivated (there is only so much another individual can provide you, at some point you have to take responsibility). So, I encourage you to not make New Year's Resolutions, but instead really think about where you want to be at the end of this year and take the necessary steps to make that happen. Don't be afraid to ask for help - FAB is here if you need a stepping stone! So, we're already in 2009 and history is being made, let's make our own personal history. Let's take a look back 12 months from now and be able to say, YES WE DID! I just heard Justin Timberlake say that we don't have to focus on yesterday, we can focus on today. "America is cool now, we have swagger." A whole new era is approaching us, a fire has been ignited in our country that is trickling down to every American to serve, to give back, to be used, to serve a purpose greater than our own in order to make this country a better place. Achieving our goals is no longer a far fetched ideal, it is a goal we are striving to attain. So, I encourage all of you to use the fire that has been ignited in America to chase your dream and be the servant you are called to be! YES WE CAN!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Market yourself.

***FAB Pro Clue***

FAB is here to serve you... if you have a message that you would like to share, you can put your ideas on BLAST right here on "The Fab Network" blog. From personal testimonials to up and coming businesses - FAB is a great way to get your voices heard to an audience that is thirsty for inspiration, great ideas, and innovation. Here's your chance to interlock with other professionals! FAB has a "Featured Links" section that highlights websites that readers should visit, another "free" marketing tool, so take advantage and submit your ideas today. It's all about connecting the dots!

Note: FAB Pro Clues give FAB readers a quick career clue, just for you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Having ideas is SEXY! And following through is even SEXIER!

BEYONCE shows women around the globe, how getting the JOB done is the real sex appeal...

International Superstar, Singer, Songwriter, Actress, Fashionista, Entrepreneur, Multiple Company Endorsement Deal Genius, and Charity Contributor is just the tip of the iceberg for this Southern-belle.
You may not like her music or her fashion sense, but you can not deny that her dedication to being the
best at her craft has PAID OFF - in more than just $'s given a new dimension to women who go after theirs. And that's sexy! Most recently, Beyonce put her money where her mouth
is...she donated her entire $4 million salary from the movie "Cadillac Records" to a drug treatment charity. She visited the Treatment Center while researching her role as Etta James and was truly moved. She has quietly given away large sums to other charities as well - without much public praise she has touched the hearts of many (and saved lives in the process!). Hollywood often changes people and distorts their perception of reality and good, but sometimes we have to honor those who truly set a good example of what it takes to do the unthinkable, to reach the stars that many only dream of, to give back when no one is looking, and to reach your full potential - that's all that is required. Be the best you can be, and that's sexy! Thank you Beyonce, for setting a great example and showing us that talented and beautiful women are here and yet they never forget to stop and pull others up as we continue to reach for the stars!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Chianti Lomax: From NOTHING to SOMETHING!

"...don't let the way you start determine the way you finish...
I can’t remember where that quote came from but I think it truly describes my life and what I have accomplished so far. I came from a single parent home of four children and growing up on the “wrong side” of town has been the downfall for many young black kids in the south, but I would not allow anyone’s perception of where I was from serve as a road block on my journey to success. With my mother’s constant reminder to "'get your education and get out of SC'", I knew that education would be my ticket to a better lifestyle, I did what I had to do in school to get to where I am today."

Chianti Lomax epitomizes the phrase, "all things are possible." It is with her unwavering desire to succeed that has lifted her from her humble beginnings in South Carolina and has enabled her to graduate college with Honors and travel the world - setting her sights higher than the average person you'll meet. If you ask Chianti about her background, she will candidly admit that her surroundings did not encourage out of the box thinking and is instead a hindrance for many young kids - but her Mother was the exception. She instilled values in her children that far surpassed what the streets could leak through the doors - she gave love, wisdom and strength. FAB is particularly fascinated by Chianti's story, as she brings a freshness and resilience that makes us look at our own tribulations with a new perspective and understanding. FAB had the opportunity to sit down with Chianti and hear how she has transformed her community's perception of professionalism and hard-work, as well as trascend her own thoughts into an even bigger success story!

Chianti with friend in Washington, D.C.

- College: College of Charleston, SC, Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication, Minor in Women’s Studies
- Career: (Washington, D.C.) IBM / Business Transformation Consultant/2 ½ years – currently developing training materials for modernization system for a government client
- Career Aspirations: Eventually work in the Public Relations Industry focusing on Entertainment and Nonprofits
- Personal Goals: Start a non-profit focused on mentoring kids that come from single parent homes

FAB gets the details:
1.) What have you learned from being the first generation to leave the nest?
I’ve learned that being a “grown-up” is overrated. (laughs)…just kidding. But seriously, being the first to leave my mom’s house, I’ve encountered many struggles of being out in the real world. Growing up in a single parent home, I didn’t have the luxury of calling home and asking for my “weekly allowance”. I learned how to be responsible to the 7th power – time management, money management, etc. – mostly through trial and error – but I’ve survived.

2.) I know you are dead set on being successful, what stereotypes are you most determined to break? Why?
The main stereotype that I want to shatter is this idea that people from certain neighborhoods will not be as successful as the people who are born with a silver spoon in there mouth. And my goal is not to impress these “privileged” individuals. It’s to show the so called “have-nots” that the resources and opportunities are there – they just have to get off of that couch and hit the pavement. Because if I can do it anyone can – the sky is the limit and I’m still reaching for the stars.

4.) You moved to D.C. straight out of college, a year later moved cross country to San Diego and now you’re back in D.C. You definitely possess a fearless attitude. Tell FAB about your “go gett’em” spirit.
Sometimes in life you have to let go of your inhibitions to get to where you need to be. Was I nervous about moving both times – of course? But I did what I had to do. Besides, I love seeing new places and meeting new people. Networking is key.

5.) What keeps you going when you want to give up? What does your moment of reasoning look like?
I know this may sound a little cliché, but I would have to say my faith. When I feel like I’m at wits end, I take a moment to remember where I came from, and how far God has taken me. And I feel in my heart that I am destined for greatness.

6.) You’re single in one of the most popular cities in the world. How’s the dating scene…is it hard to find young professionals as down-to-earth and driven as you?
Dating in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virginia) area is ummm, haven't really done to much of it, (laughs) but there are a lot of attractive young professionals who seem to be driven. I’ve found some of them to be down to earth, and others not so much.

7.) Tell FAB about your side interest.
I am really interested in breaking into the Entertainment PR/ Event Planning world. Currently, I’m not working in the PR profession, but I’ve always had a few side gigs to get to help nurture my skills as PR professional. In San Diego, not only did I work full-time, but I also had two non-paid internships that focused on publicity and some event planning. Now that I am almost settled in here in DC, I’m hoping to continue to grow my PR skills.

8.) How can FAB help you pursue your passion?
After learning about FAB - I knew that night that I definitely wanted to get involved. I can see the potential in this organization and wanted to volunteer my services as a PR professional. I am hoping that this partnership is going to increase FAB’s presence in the community and expand my portfolio at the same time.

9.) You’ve already made great strides to break stereotypes and travel the road less travel, what else is in store for Chianti Lomax?
I’m looking into the wonderful world of entrepreneurship…expect to see me on the cover of Black Enterprise in the future.

10.) FAB loves to get the scoop, what’s one thing most people don’t know about you.
I am a HUGE fan of the show “Gossip Girl”. Shameful – I know. Its my dirty little secret.

Chianti setting a great example, volunteering!
***Chianti hones the smarts, the drive and the pizazz to succeed and what's more impressive is that she desires to give back. Even as a young and blooming professional, she understands early on the importance of not just leaving the nest, but leaving the nest and never forgetting to come back and plant the seeds so more birds can soar!***

FAB loves Chianti's zeal to be all that she can be...and FAB agrees "...don't let the way you start, determine the way you finish..."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

FAB Pro Clue: Women in Music National Network

Women in Music National Network (Non-profit dedicated to the advancement of women in the music industry)

Women in Music National Network promotes the development, advancement and recognition of women in the music industry. We are committed to helping you build a successful career in music by providing you with resources to take your career to the next level. Our world-wide exposure offers you a network to many contacts and affiliations. If you're ready to move your career forward, we're ready to assist you.

Jobs (job fairs, etc.)
Career Development
Professional Resources
Industry Events

Contact Women in Music:

Women in Music National Network 1450 Oddstad DriveRedwood City, CA 94063
Phone: 866.305.7963FAX: 510.234.7272

***FAB Pro Clues give FAB readers a quick career clue, just for you!***

Saturday, January 10, 2009

If you LIKE to READ, this one's for YOU!

Sometimes we are often extremely busy in our own lives to take out the time to read. We just skim the article and only read the title. Instant gratification has become a way of life (for many). I refuse to believe that thoughtful and critical reading/thinking has disappeared. So, this article is dedicated to my readers who are simply engaged by the words, not by the images! Writing for me is therapy; I use the FAB website as an expressive way for me to reach my audience and be a voice to others. Don't judge, just listen. Here goes. My journey so far... I am on an exploration to finding out who I am completely, what I want, what I need, and discovering the road to my ultimate destiny. I am often lost as to how I accomplish such abstract goals. How do I find the answers, when the road is seemingly gray yet my vision is preset to black and white. What if you think you know the answer, then your heart does a complete 360 degree turn and now you're really lost? If that's you, then we have something in common. No one told me that after graduating college, I would be forced to actually analyze what I wanted, unlike school there is no curriculum life guide to choose from. I was thrown into the lions' ring with little protection, I had to come up with a game plan quickly. I did. Didn't seem to work. I called. Applied. Followed-up. Interviewed. Still nothing. Finally, persistence paid off. I got a job! I took the road less traveled (as I often do) and moved 15 hours away to pursue my career aspirations. I knew the road ahead would be difficult, but had no idea what was in store. The worst 3 days of my life, hostel with strangers (no privacy and I am huge on privacy), 1st apartment with 10 flights of stairs (no elevator), finding friends (worthwhile), no furniture, homesick, challenging and frustrating job, careless boss, car issues, changed industries (2XS), and still trying to figure out if this is all worth it (and the list continues). Am I grateful that this happened to me? Yes! Am I happy about it? No. My challenges have become my strongest moments, I never gave up, I am still here fighting the great fight. Tears shed, many journal entries and phone calls to my family and friends later...I am still here. What I've learned is that some of the things that I thought I wanted, really aren't that important to me. However, it was critical for me to experience what I thought I wanted or else I would have always wondered, "what if" and I HATE what ifs. I hate regrets. I thought I wanted the big building with the conference tables and the briefcase and the important meetings. I had that and left. I thought I wanted to work in the beauty industry. I had that and left. I realized that the big building and the company name wasn't enough. I desired more. But had I not experienced those things, I would've always been wondering "what if"...that dream and those "what if" thoughts would not have died, they would have festered into a nightmare haunting me, telling me I took the easy route and I hate the easy route. Fast forward to now, I've realized that I still want the big building with the conference table and the briefcase and the important meetings, and I still love the beauty industry...but there's more to the story. More depth to my goals. I want to make a difference and impact some one's life. I want to leave a mark and to know that I serve a purpose greater than my own. That's a snap shot of the past. What's to come in my future? It is my goal to solidfy my goals, streamline them and hit the ground running. Meaning I am ready to go after them fully charged! I am also making a conscious effort to make this year memorable in every aspect - personally, spiritually, professionally, and every other corner that often gets left behind. I want to be a better me, period. All of this is to say, my challenges are not just for me but serve as testament to all those who are trying to make it in this cold world, to all my peers who need a word of encouragement. Take it from me, we can do it! My journey is the foundation of my desires to make a difference. My exploration continues, I hope you will join me...


If you're searching for a FASHION job, this one's for YOU!

Professional FASHION websites, take note!















Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HATERS in the work place...oh what shall I do?

Smart. Driven. Always go the extra mile. You know you're good. But, the inevitable question never seems to fade, WHY ARE "THEY" HATING ON ME?

Real life story...a MUST read!

Let's use the name "Becky" for FAB privacy. She was highly sought after and recruited for a new position because she is clearly well qualified and hones the knowledge and passion to get the job done, right?! RIGHT! New job begins and immediately Becky is intimidating people with her straight to the point, matter of fact work style. She knows her stuff and is not afraid to let you know. She plays nice, but definitely plays hard ball. But, why is this a surprise? Isn't this the way Corporate America work hard to prove yourself because often times niceness signals weakness, especially for women who are often portrayed as soft and emotional. Becky began to set precedent in the office and some people couldn't take it...HATING BEGINS! Promotion arises, the hater hates and now, "they" have you right where they want you. Ticked off and ready to explode! Becky wanted to say, "I can't believe this, I deserve this. How could this happen to me? I deserve it and everyone knows it!" But as we all know, the best sometimes comes in last. OH WHAT SHALL I DO NOW?

What to do with "HATERS in the work place?"...

  • Kill them with kindness.

  • Be on your A-game even more - go harder, be stronger, don't back down now!

  • Don't let emotion play a role in your actions, take a minute to digest the hate and then handle the situation accordingly.

  • Sometimes you can't always report the hater, you have to learn how to play the game...what does this mean? Take all the necessary steps to place yourself in a position of respect and good standing and take your power back!

  • Get the last laugh! How? Through professionalism, hard work, and honesty.

  • Never show signs of weakness in front of the enemy, stand firm and tall!

FAB Note: If someone is hating, that means you must be doing something right...don't get side tracked, work harder!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

FAB in 2009!


What's in store for FAB in 2009? Many exciting things! FAB is on a roll and continuing to build its' momentum, determined to use the grassroots route as motivation and encouragement to all FAB dream chasers that think an idea is just to BIG to attain. Think again, YES WE CAN! One college student, one professional, one dreamer at a time.

FAB's TOP 5 '09 Goals:
  • Introduce FAB to the WORLD!
  • To build awareness around FAB's mission.
  • Expand FAB's network to include a wider variety of professionals willing and excited to speak with FAB!
  • Garner more, more, and more volunteers and mentors ready to take FAB and the community to the next level.
  • Host an event where FAB members will be able to intermix and network!

How will FAB get there?

Continued consistent efforts to prepare FAB so that the organization is able to withstand the hardships that come along with breaking grounds on a new idea. Creativity, organization, and persistence will make all the difference (and of course all the stuff that FAB harps about, i.e. hard-work, perseverance, networking, volunteering, mentors, etc.) will play a large role as well.

What does FAB need from YOU???

FAB needs your active support. In order for FAB to succeed, the organization seeks members, readers, mentors, and volunteers that desire to SEEK the difference and BE the difference. We all have something to learn and something to teach. Don't sit by the sidelines hoping things will change - don't over think it. Dive in, make a difference and change some one's life!