Thursday, January 22, 2009

FAB Touches Reader!

FROM the words of NEW FAB MEMBER...

"Hello Jessica! First let me say that your blog and non-profit organization are amazing. What a wonderful and positive way to uplift young professionals and college students! I spent most of last night reading the blog and will be subscribing. I think organizations such as yours are critical for young women (and men) today to show that fashion and the arts are very much an integral part of the business world and, as you say in your header, how to transform dreams into reality. So many times people are afraid to follow their dreams because (they think or people tell them) they might not make a lot of money or for from fear or failure. I know I had that issue in college myself. So it's refreshing to see someone promoting the idea of having dreams and goals and turning them into tangible businesses. Good stuff! I would be absolutely honored to be a part of your blog...So thank you for the opportunity!"

- Denisio Truitt
(Aspiring Entrepreneur and Artist)

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