Relationships...tricky subject and a peculiar beast to analyze but we must consider the importance of relationships when considering a happy and healthy adulthood. Relationships are of course not mandatory but they are the icing on an already tasty cake...even though it's really good, having that extra cherry on top is always nice. That's the positive side of relationships. But, what happens when work is booming and your relationship is sour. Bomber, I know! Having a successful career and managing a healthy relationship (especially in a larger city) is often hard to juggle but it can be done, I'm assuming. Dating professionals is often like interviewing potential candidates that you want to hire - you find out their past history, strengths, weaknesses, what they can bring to the table and then the inevitable question...what position are you hiring for?! Sometimes people are prepared for the wrong job interview and now the high seas begin to rise. Just as we are particular about our careers, our promotions, and our desire to succeed - that same time and care must be placed on attaining a relationship. Both a job and having a relationship are full-time employment and it takes dedication and care to maintain them both. So, the question still remains how do you successfully have both? I am not a relationship guru and still on the journey to finding that answer myself, but will say this - being yourself, working hard, and striving to be the best individual that you can be is all anyone can ever ask of you, whether it's work or personal. If you are dually employed (job and relationship) and happy with both employment opportunities - don't take either for granted. We are in a recession right now (for jobs and worthwhile relationships) so hold on to what you have and work hard to maintain both! After all, you deserve the best! It's all a learning curve, so yes, we can successfully have both - just make sure you're prepared when the right job calls looking for you - whether personal or professional!
FAB Readers... any thoughts on this matter??
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