Hello my fellow FAB Members, Believers, Readers and Dreamers, I haven't personally touched base in awhile and I wanted to check in on you and extend my heartfelt thanks for continuing to support FAB through your comments on the site, words of encouragement and every piece of advice you've given me. FAB is in its' infancy stages and continues to evolve as more and more college students and career professionals become aware of FAB and all of its' offerings. I truly believe that FAB is a much needed organization, especially during this economic turmoil. Now more than ever, it is essential that we package ourselves and hone the skills necessary to succeed and stand out from the competition. Now is not the time to back down and let fear overcome our desire to step out on Faith and believe that we deserve to be both, happy and successful. This thought should not be a weird dichotomy in your mind, nor should it be a far-fetched dream. FAB is more than a career-driven organization, it is a safe-haven for individuals with no plan to feel safe expressing who they are and who they aspire to be, it is a place that helps you to garner the tools you need to begin your career journey, it is a place that teaches individuals how to elevate an existing career and most importantly, FAB is an organization set to help you build the dream life you aspire to attain. It is my hope that by becoming a FAB member, you are well on your way to experiencing life-changing advice, education and inspiration that will serve as a catalyst for your personal and professional happiness. With your continued active support, FAB will have the opportunity to expand and touch even more lives. Please continue to read the blog and provide feedback - it is my goal to ensure that FAB gives you the most interesting, relevant and education-driven information. FAB is here to serve you and it is my sincere pleasure to work with all of YOU!
I love the energy, power and hunger in all of you! Continue to be FAB, despite your circumstances or trials - one day these life lessons will be the foundation of your success!
Much Love,
J. Styles
I just want to say THANK YOU for these words of encouragement. I graduated about two weeks ago and I've been searching for a job nonstop. It's frustrating because I feel like I'm trying as much as I can, but am getting discouraged by the lack of responses. When I read your blog today and I saw the words "one day these life lessons will be the foundation of your success," I smiled. I know that being on my own and looking for a job during these economic times is difficult but one day I will look back at it and thank God I was blessed with the opportunity to learn so much. So once again, thank you for your words and that you do. You truly are amazing!
Patricia "I Stay FAB" Rodriguez
Thank You "I Stay FAB"! You don't know how much your positivity and feedback means to me! This thing called "perservance" is contagious and it's good to know that FAB is helping you to stay empowered and inspired. No great achiever ever did anything without trial. It will all work out and that is NO CLICHE!
Keep reading and continue to stay FAB!
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